About Mangofique

Mangofique was created in order to share my journey of a new lifestyle and eating habits. I am not a professional cook, dietitian or nutritionist but I have a growing interest in the link between health and nutrition.  Mangofique, for me, is a place to share what I have learnt in my search for feeling great and healthy.

All the recipes at Mangofique are gluten-free and refined sugar-free. I believe that use of fermented foods has a positive effect on my health and therefore my recipes often contain fermented ingredients or fermentation is a part of the cooking process.

When cooking, I’m experimenting with traditional recipes, fermented foods and modern cooking methods using  fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs and milk products. That being said, I do not support industrial farming and cruel conditions for animals. As it can be often challenging to track the origin of the meat and animal products you will find many vegetarian or vegan recipes. I believe that eating local, seasonal, organic and homemade food is the best for my wellbeing and that of local producers and farmers.

In year 2016 I have added a new section about Zero Waste Lifestyle. Ever since I have discovered movement of beautiful and inspiring people who are trying to live their lives with as small effect on environment as possible, I have been haunted. In this section of my website I would like to help raise the awareness about the terrible impact of plastic pollution.

I hope you enjoy browsing Mangofique and you find an inspiration for your next breakfast, lunch, dinner or a yum snack.

And in the end, I would like to thank for my inspiration – to the best cook, my lovely mom Ester and also wonderful Solange who taught me a lot about eating healthy and garden love. Also this website could never be as beautiful as it is without the gorgeous painting from my father and amazing photos from Paco. Thank you and everybody else for your great support.

