

Kvass is a probiotic drink that has been consumed in Eastern Europe since ancient times. This version uses beets, which are wonderful for purifying the blood and cleansing the liver. They are also loaded with electrolytes, minerlas, vitamine C and vitamine B which is important  for good functioning of our organs and it works as a stress protection. Altogether liquid goodness.


– 4 big organic beetroots
– 120 ml whey (recipe here)
– 2 tbs of sea salt
– 1 organic lemon
– 1 liter of filtered water

1. Chop peeled beetroots into big chunks.Wash a lemon and cut it in half.
2. Place the beets, and lemon into a big glas jar. Add salt and pour whey and water over them.
3. Close the jar and let ferment for 3 days.
4. Strain the liquid (kvass) through the cheesecloth. If you store it in a fridge it will  keep up to 2 months.
5. You can use the beets and lemon for another load of kvass (you do not need to use whey again) or you can make a Russian soup – borscht and stay in a eastern mood :).Recipe for borscht is here.


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Information in this post were gained from book “Fermented foods for healt” by Deirdre Rawlings, Ph.D., N.D.


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